


Die Aschkenasim

Boris Altschüler - The Ashkenazim


The Ashkenazim.

An extraordinary History of european Jews.
An historic-philological Examination
Volume 1
From the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel to the Avars and Khazars

The history of the jewish Skythes, the Ashkenazim, begins over 2700 years ago with the destruction of the northern state of Israel in Palestine in the year 720 B.C.. As a consequence of the long liberation battle from Assyrian slavery, the Israelites, also known as the "lost ten tribes of Israel", wandered throughout the entire Middle East. One route lead to Central Asia and Siberia, another one over the Caucasus, Asia Minor, and the Pontian coast in the Great Eurasian Steppe. Over 2.000 years they settled in Europe and Eurasia over and over again. Due to the migration of jewish tribes in Persia and Central Asia, close contact developed with the Iranian and Turkish tribes. In Europe, there were close unions with almost all tribes, especially with the Germans and Slavs. The Israelites, therefore, took part in the most important ethno-genesis of the world: Gallic-German-Celtic, Slavic and Iranian-Turkish. Through their fateful wandering, the ashkenazic Jews achieved an overwhelming culture transfer of the Jewish civilization throughout the entire world.


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